
Bio Oko

Bio Oko on map
Official web of Bio Oko


Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


11 04

Second Echo goes to Pardubice to Divadlo 29. You can watch movies  Hip Hop, My Release ańd Noise that Brings Money at Tuesday 20th May, starts 7pm. We are looking forward to you!

11 04

First Echo of Antropofets goes to Opava to Club Art at 15th April at 5pm. You can watch Freetekno a Hip Hop, My Release.

23 01

Don´t forget that the 5th Antropofest will take place in the Bio Oko and start at Friday 24.1. on 6.30 p.m.

21 01

The spot for 5th Antropofest is made by Bohdan Heblík - kofila.com. You can watch it in world premiere here https://vimeo.com/83492169

14 01

We prepare czech subtitles for all foreign languages movies.



18:30 Opening ceremony
18:35 Back to the Future
19:25 Discussion and Break
19:50 Hip Hop, my Release
20:10 Toku Fenua
20:40 Break
20:55 The High Cybercafé
21:25 Diskussion and Break
21:50 Together as One


14:00 Man Dove
15:05 Break
15:15 Žlutý dům
15:25 Hosté z kamene
15:35 Gricko
15:50 Freetekno subkultura
16:20 Diskussion and Break
17:00 White and Black Film
17:25 Discussion and Break
17:45 Behind the Wheel
18:05 Out into World with Cheese
19:10 Discussion and Break
19:40 Our Missionaries
19:50 Diskussion and Break
20:10 On the Common Ground
20:35 Diskussion and Break
21:05 Noise that brings Money
21:45 The end of the Festival



Rakousko, 2013, 29 min
Martin Zinggl
24.01.2014 20:10

Toku Fenua takes us on an extraordinary journey into the South Pacific and offers a glimpse of life on the remote island of Niulakita in Tuvalu. Niulakita is the smallest, most isolated inhabited island in the world with only 47 Tuvaluans living on 0,4 square kilometres. The director spent several month in this island doing an anthropological fieldwork. Toku Fenua lets us closely participate in the daily routines of three islanders; their dreams and concerns. It also shows the problems that people in such a harsh enviroment are exposed to.

Martin Zinggl, born in Vienna, studied social and cultural anthropology and journalism. He resides as an author and film maker in Vianna and Barcelona and he is currently working in the publication of his first non-scientific book about Tuvalu.

Production, director, camera: Martin Zinggl
Dialogues: Tuvalian, English
Subtitles: English, Czech

Launching (selection):
10th Eyes and Lenses, Warsaw, 2013
Ethnocineca 2013, Vienna
Pacific Islands Festival 2013, Basel


Kolumbie, 2013, 22 min
Simon Rasing
24.01.2014 19:50

Can rap be a way out of the prison?
Hip Hop is often associated with drugs and violence and therefore seen by many as a way into prison, but Alma Negra, DJ Roky and New York, three inmates at Distrial prison in Bogota, Colombia, demonstrate the opposite. For two hours a day they are allowed to leave the courtyard to write and practice their music. Rap enables them to protest and share their experiences in life. This film tells their story and the impact Hip Hop has on them.

Simon is an ethnographic researcher and filmmaker from Utrecht, Netherlands. He attained an MA in Visual Anthropology from the Granada Centre, University of Mancester and BA in Cultural Anthropology from teh University of Utrecht. During his MA degree he has made two documentary. The latter was an ethnographic film project carried out over the summer and autumn in Bogota, Colombia.

dialogues: Spanish, subtitles: English, Czech
Production, director, camera: Simon Rasing



Švýcarsko, 2013, 48 min
Hans-Jurg Pffaf
24.01.2014 18:35

After having worked for 18 years in the U.S., the „sans-papier“ Richar returns to his country Ecuador with his new American wife. Although divorced from his former wife, he is still very attached to his three children.
The reunion with the family and with old friends shows in a personal way the tensions as well as the hopes and the courage to face the difficult reality of a migrant. The filmmaker, to whom Richar is linked by a friendship since an anthropological field reasearch 30 years ago, follows him during the first weeks of his return to his village in the Andes.

Hans-Jurg is born in Zurich, Switzerland. He studied cultural Anthropology in Zurich and Ecuador where he met the main character of the movie. He has made various documentaries.

Dialogues: Spanish, English, subtitles: English, Czech
Production: Prodok film, Zurich
Director, camera: Hans-Jurg Pffaf


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]