Echoes of Antropofest arrive to Bratislava, Slovakia. You can watch Mass and Five Lives, all directors will be there. They will also debate about visual anthropology. Café Satori Stage, 6p.m.
Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.
Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.
During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.
We are looking forward to you!
"Echoes of Antropofest" continued in Pardubice, 4th April from 5pm. You will watch: Masa, Five lives, Problems of Elites, In the Rythm of the City and Sacred Water. Screening will take place at University of Pardubice, bulidinf EB, room E2.
We would like to invite you to ECHOS OF ANTROPOFEST TO NITRA, Slovakia.
Screenings will take place on 30th March from 5pm in Fotogaléria Trafačka during "Ethnological days" organised by Department of Ethnology and Folklore of University KF in Nitra, Slovakia.
You can watch these movies: British Born Chinese, Gurumbé and Between Islam and Sacred Forest.
Firts "Echos of Antropofest" will take place at Maňana Bar, Žižkovo nám 6, Jičín at 10th and 11th of March from 4pm in both days. We will screen this movies: A Report About Mina, Dust, Gurugu, Haying Time, Masa, Nobel Nok Dah, Pět Životů, Sacred Water, Tama Gaun - The Cooper Village.
Guests of Antropofest 2017 are: Michal Pavlásek and Ivo Bystřičan (Masa), Jaroslava Panáková (Pět životů), Marcel Romanutti (Problematika elit), Ondřej Raffel (V rytmu města), Frode Storaas (Tama Gaun), Evgeny Aleksandrov and Elena Danilko (Haing Time), Deepak Tolange, Christoph Siegel, Anisha Gosh (Dust). Let´s discuss with them about theirs movies!!
27.01.2017 : Sál A
18:30 | Opening Ceremony |
18:35 | Bridge to Kobane |
19:00 | Gurugu |
19:05 | Masa |
19:40 | Discussion |
20:20 | A Report about Mina |
21:25 | Gurumbé. Afro-Andalusian Memories |
27.01.2017 : Sál B
18:30 | Opening Ceremony |
18:35 | Bridge to Kobane |
19:10 | Teteyotes. Stones Gods. |
20:00 | Nobel Nok Dah |
20:35 | Etnografie-film-dokument |
28.01.2017 : Sál A
14:30 | British Born Chinese |
15:25 | Extended family |
16:00 | Haying time |
16:45 | Discussion |
17:25 | Dust |
18:20 | Discussion |
18:55 | Tama Gaun - The Copper Village |
20:25 | Discussion |
21:00 | Sacred Water |
21:55 | Closing Ceremony |
28.01.2017 : Sál B
14:30 | V rytmu města |
14:35 | Problematika elit |
14:50 | Discussion |
15:10 | My Antropo Films |
15:25 | Etno-film: Mezi tradicí a experimentem |
16:30 | These Objects, Those Memories |
17:00 | Discussion |
17:40 | Between Islam and Sacred Forest |
18:30 | Discussion |
19:15 | Pět životů |
20:20 | Discussion |
21:00 | Sacred Water |
21:55 | Closing Ceremony |
Belgie, 2016, 55 min
O. Jourdain
28.01.2017 21:00
Guided by Vestine, an extravagant star of radio nights, the film discovers rwandan sexuality in search of the water that gushes out of the female body. It reveals with humour and sponaneity the mystery of female bliss. Sacred Water immerses you into a modern Rwanda rediscovering its heritage in the most intimate way: female pleasure.
Olivier Jourdain - Passionate about Visual Anthropology, he studied Filmmaking in London as well as Anthropology in Leuven (KUL), after receiving a Masters in Communication in Brussels, IHECS. He has been traveling to Sub-Saharan Africa for over 15 years. Those numerous travels have changed his views on this vast and diverse continent. From Mali to Madagascar, the Congo, Ivory Coast and Rwanda, he have had the opportunity to make numerous documentaries and promotional films for NGO's and local communities.
Director: Olivier Jourdain
Production: Nameless Production
Camera: Christophe Rolin, Olivier Jourdain
Edit: Mélanie Leclech, Mathieu Piérart
Launcging of movie: DOK Leipzig next masters competition IDFA 2016 Panorama section
Language of Dialogues: Kinyarwanda Languagge
Language of Subtitles: English, Czech
Mexiko, 2016, 42 min
J.B. Díaz, A. S. Eres, A.J. Arango
27.01.2017 19:10
In the Municipality of Yahualica, Hidalgo, a Nahua community from Mexico, the archaeological pieces (named stone gods in their language) have the ability to make the population sick. Through an accurate knowledge the inhabitants of the municipality manage to deal with the power of the 'stone gods' in order to prevent possible damages and to benefit from the relationship with them. This facet of their reality has been seriously criticised by the Mexican media and the community has been deprived of a large part of their material heritage. This documentary pictures the life of the Nahuas from Yahualica, who have to coexist with the world of the stones, who make them sick, and with the world of the mestizos, who ridicule and rob them.
Jaime Bernardo Díaz is an anthropologist; Ana Somohano Eres and Antonio Jaramillo Arango are both historians. The three of them studying their PhDs at the UNAM, México, where they research about the social life objects can have in native communities dating before and after the Conquest.
Director, script, edit, production: J.B. Díaz, A.S. Eres, A.J. Arango
Camera: J.B. Díaz
Festivals: VI Congreso Mexicano de Antropología Social-Foro de cine etnográfico 2016; Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 2016
Language of Dialogues: Spanish
Language of Subtitles: Spanish, English, Czech
Česká republika, 2017, 60 min
M. Pavlásek
27.01.2017 20:35
One of the possible ways of presenting the work of anthropologists and ethnologists, through which they are trying to understand the world arounds us, comes by means of ethnographic film. Similar efforts are also typical for film documentarists who can often uncover features of today´s society and spread them to the public. Both sides are linked together by the constant reflexion of own efforts coming out from its marginal position – searching for their own creative identity. Together with guests of the debate we will attempt to look closer at the specifics and background of visual anthropology and documentary, voice the possible common sources of inspiration and consider the possibilities and forms of cooperation.
Guests: Jaroslava Panáková, Ivo Bystřičan
The event is hosted by Michal Pavlásek (Antropictures)
Diskussion will be in Czech, without translation.
Partners of AntropoFEST are
- Anthropictures
- Prager Cider
- Český lid
- Lidé města
- Sociologický časopis
- Česká asociace pro africká studia
- Radio 1
Thank you!
Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]