
Dobeška Theater Prague

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Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!



18:00 Opening Ceremony
18:10 Side effects: Portrait of a Young Artist in Lahore
18:45 After War, Before peace - In Searching of Democracy in central Afghanistan
19:25 Roya and Omid
19:40 Break
19:55 If Vagina Had a Teeth: The Shona Rainmaking Ceremony in Western Mozambique
20:55 Discussion and Break
21:15 Making it Big in Berlin
21:40 Discussion and Break
22:00 Feeling from Outside
22:20 Salaam Aleykum Copenhagen
22:40 Life of Roma women
22:50 Babica


14:00 Opening Ceremony
14:05 Fish On!
15:05 Dobre nám je v Petržalke bývať?
15:40 Break
15:50 Červená růžičko, proč se nezozvíjíš. Doudlebská masopustní koleda: tanec, identita, status a integrace
16:25 Goluboie
17:00 Gáj
17:40 Kde krev a pot, tam i slzy
18:00 Discussion and Break
18:25 Drugs and Prayers - Indian Psychiatry in the Realm of Saints
19:25 Discussion and Break
19:45 Life in Bubbles
20:35 Break
20:45 Gente de Fajãs
21:45 Discussion and Break
22:00 Closing Ceremony
22:05 The Future of Visual Anthropology



Czech Republic, 2008, 32 min
Štěpánka Plachá, Michaela Píšová
30.01.2010 16:25

golThanks this movie you can entry into the daily lives of Goluboies inhabitans.The village of Goluboie is original village in Moldova where Czechs live. They setteled this part of southern Moldova in the second half of 19th century. During the summer of 2006 the village had 130 inhabittans of Czech nationality.Movie shoes their daily routine and life style which is mainly based on agriculture (bee-keeping, breeding of domestic animals etc.). On the other hand you can meet with 150 years old original Czech brass band, deeply connected with this village.One of the topics is also question of Czech identity. Which factors have impact of the identity? Is it Czech language or origin of their ancestors?

Language of dialogues: Czech


Portugal, 2009, 59 min
António Joao Saraiva
30.01.2010 20:45

genteFajãs, living between the seaside and the cliffs...
between the sharing and the silence...
between the music and the faith...
People taking their time..
This documentary intends to participate in the understanding of  the life of people who were emigrated and returned and others who have just arrived.

Award: Grande Prémio de Festival Cinema Antropológico, Lisboa 2009

Language of dialogues: Portuguese
Language of subtitles: English


Switzerland, 2008, 34 min
Christof Thurnherr
29.01.2010 18:45

After Wae, Before PeaceLal, a remote bazaar surrounded by the high mountains of the Western Hindu Kush in Central Afghanistan, struggles to find peace after more than 30 years of war. Everyday life in these harsch wintery surroundings don't seem to leave much space to deal with the new situation. Former Mujaheddin Commanders, religious leaders and newly elected state officials each have their respective views of this new system called 'democracy'. In this film these different actors tell us about their past, explain their respective views on the democratic changes and reveal their individual expectations for the future.

Language of dialogues: Farsi, English
Language of subtitles: English


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]