
Dobeška Theater Prague

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Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!



18:00 Opening Ceremony
18:05 Merleau - Ponty
18:10 Capa de Índio
18:35 Break
18:45 Saliendo Adelante
19:25 Memories for sale
19:50 Discussion and break
20:10 Kultura daru
20:55 Discussion and break
22:05 Discussion and break
22:25 Art on the road
22:35 Meet me in Memoriam
22:41 My childhood


19:10 Discussion and break
21:15 Love story


12:00 Living like a common man
13:05 Break
13:15 Itelmen stories
14:25 Break
14:35 Room in the square
14:45 Our ground
14:50 Discussion and break
15:15 Cold war neighbours
15:25 Nekopejte do nás, ještě nejsme mrtví
15:50 Discussion and break
16:15 What keeps them going
16:45 Discussion and break
17:10 Tumenge
18:50 Discussion and break
19:15 Shooting Freetown
19:45 Discussion and break
20:10 Tender kisses are hard to find
20:30 Break
20:40 Firekeepers



Česká republika, 2011, 24 min
L.Hollerová, T.Hirt, M. Hertlová
28.01.2012 15:25

Production: Centrum of apply anthropology and research, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Language of dialogues: Czech, English
Language of subtitles: English


Norway, 2007, 57 min
Rossella Ragazzi
28.01.2012 20:40

This film narrates the meeting with Sara Marielle Gaup and Lawra Somby, two young performers of joik (Sami chanting technique), born in the north and the south of Sápmi (the cultural nationhood of Sami people in North Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia). They have come together through a creative musical project called “Adjágas” which in Sami means “the state between sleep and awakening”.  In this peculiar state one can unveil reality and tune into the most profound and original joiks. Adjágas, in this way bring the musical-lyrical practice of joik toward the international musical scene by performing with musicians of different horizons, and adapting its performances to the context of reception. The protagonists express different ways of life and concerns, relating also to what it means to be young artists with an indigenous background, having to work a way into the musical industry. It is also a film about what in the waves of the past is worth struggling for understanding, and how joik brings together everyday life, politics and spirituality and becomes a language healing the pain from the colonial history of the past.

Rossella Ragazzi, born in Rome, Italy 1965. Filmmaker, ethnographer and associate professor in visual anthropology and museology at the University of Tromsø, Norway. Graduated from National Italian Film School in Rome, and University of Paris and got PhD in Visual Anthropology in Ireland. She co-founded with Britt Kramvig and Ingeborg Solvang film company Sonar Film in 2003.

Director: Rossella Raggazzi
Production: Sonar Film Tromso
Language of dialogues: English, Sami, Norwegian
Language of subtitles: English, Czech


Great Britain, 2011, 65 min
M.Rutten, S. Verstappen, I.Makay
28.01.2012 12:00

Youngsters in developing countries all over the world dream of going to the West. They hope to earn money and get overseas experience to improve their positions at home. But once they arrive, they end up in low-status jobs and living crammed into small houses of other newly arrived migrants.

This film follows the daily life in one such house in East London. The bunker beds are filled with young Indians, all from relatively wealthy families in Gujarat. When they return to visit India, their families have great expectations of their sons and daughters. Will these youngsters fulfill their own and their families´dream?

Sanderien Verstappen is a PhD. reasearcher in Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. Her reasearch project focuses on the impact of emigration and remittances in central Gujarat (India).

Mario Rutten in Professor of Comparative Anthropology and Sociology of Asia at the University of Amsterdam. He has conducted extensive research on rural enterpreneurship and labour relations in India, Indonesia and Malaysia and on Indian migrants in Europe and their linkages with their homeregion in Gujarat, India.

Isabelle Makay is a visual anthropologist/documentary maker and teaches at the Design Academy Eindhoven. She directed several short documentaries.

Directors: M.Rutten, S. Verstappen, I.Makay
Production: Josaphatpark Productions BVBA
Language of dialogues: English, Gujarati
Language of subtitles: English, Czech


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]