We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest in Nitra, Slovakia. Screening will take place on Tuesday 20th March, from 7.pm. in Fotogalérii Trafačka, Janka Kráľa 65. You can watch Hotel Splendid and 4000 miles to Happines.
Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.
Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.
During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.
We are looking forward to you!
We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest 2018 to Pardubice. Echoes take place on Monday 19th March from 2 p.m. in Klub 29 (Sv. Anežky České 29, Pardubice). You can watch these movies: 4000 mil ke štěstí, Obraz svého těla, Unity: Dress-scape of Accra, Grab and run, Ethnographic study of algorithms, We must be dreaming, Hotel Splendid, Land of Love. The Echoes are organized in cooperation with the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Art, University of Pardubice and the Klub 29.
We look forward to you!
Photos from last years are available at our FB https://www.facebook.com/pg/Antropofest-zs-116139408458727/photos/?tab=albums
Guests of Antropofest 2018 are Mauro Bucci (Hotel Splendid), Simon Luling (Borderline views), Liivo Niglas (The Land of Love), David B.J. Dhert (We Must be Dreaming), Jessica Bollag (I am not Leaving Eldon), Tomáš Pospíšil (Obraz svého těla), Dalibor Knapp (Ethnographic Study of Algorithms), Phillip Nosák, Jana Zychová, Petra Liprtová (all to 4000 mil ke štěstí), Milan Votypka ( the exhibition).
Tickets are for 120czk (Friday), 180czk (Saturday) and 250czk (both days). You can buy tickets for the festival during the event on site. For this year, tickets will not be offered in advance. Thank you for your understanding.
15:00 | 165. Gellnerovský seminář |
18:00 | Vernisáž výstavy "Pomáháme lidem na útěku" |
18:20 | Opening ceremony |
18:30 | Hotel Splendid |
20:00 | Discussion with director |
20:30 | Borderline Views: A Golan Heights Documentary |
21:00 | Discussion with director |
21:30 | Across Gender |
22:00 | Making a Living in the Dry Season |
22:30 | Unity: Dress-scape of Accra |
13:00 | Zatopené |
13:50 | Break |
14:00 | Grab and Run |
15:25 | Break |
15:40 | Obraz svého těla |
15:55 | 4000 mil ke štěstí |
16:30 | Discussion with directors |
17:00 | The Land of Love |
18:20 | Discussion with director |
18:50 | I am not Leaving Eldon |
19:40 | Discussion with director |
20:10 | We Must be Dreaming |
21:10 | Discussion with director |
21:40 | Discussion with director (before the movie) |
21:55 | Ethnographic Study of Algorithms |
Itálie, 2016, 90 min
Mauro Bucci
26.01.2018 18:30
Hotel Splendid is an intimate and a collective account of a community of migrants from the African coasts who are living in a reception center for asylum seekers. It is a glimpse into the daily experiences and operation of an Italian hotel turned into an emergency camp for refugees. The documentary interweaves two different story-lines: the dramatic journey undertaken by the migrants to reach Europe, with its load of violence and abuse, and the itinerary that asylum seekers must follow upon their entrance in the camp until the evaluation procedure is over.
Mauro Bucci in an Italian filmmaker and independent researcher in the field of Visual Anthropology. He wrote scientific essays about ethnographic films for the Italian cinema journal «Bianco e Nero», for the ethnographic journal «Visual Ethnography», for a collective volume of anthropological papers published by Clueb. His last essay for the book "Looking with Robert Gardner" has been published by Suny Press in August 2016. Mauro Bucci graduated with honours from the University of Bologna in "Dams" (curriculum Cinema) and has a diploma from the School of Visual Ethnography of ISFCI in Rome. He worked as a one-man crew shooting video, recording sound, and editing footage for "Hotel Splendid", his first work as a cinematographic author. The documentary, which was self-produced, was completed following 12 months' of fieldwork, and is based on the ethnographic method of participant observation.
Director, Production, Camera, Script, Edit: Mauro Bucci
Language of Dialogues: Italian, English, French, Wolof language
Language of Subtitles: Czech, English
Launching of the movie, awards (selection):
GRAND PRIX International Ethno Film Festival "The Heart of Slavonia" Chorvatsko 2017; BEST FEATURE-LENGTH FILM, prize "Gold Marzocco" Adriano Asti and BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM, prize Luciano Becattini, Valdarno Cinema Fedic Valdarno, Itaálie 2017; SPECIAL MENTION, Bastimento Film Festival Bologna, Itálie 2017
P.I. Crawford talks about Hotel Splendid: https://vimeo.com/249992367
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/199143607
Česká republika, 2018, 20 min
Antropofest a spolek "Pomáháme lidem na útěku"
26.01.2018 18:00
Exhibition – Helping people on the run
In August 2015, Czech media were flooded with news on refugees. Photos were taken at the Hungarian railway station Keleti full of tents, people and children huddling together on the ground or pictures of Serbian highways with crowds of people going on foot touched almost everyone. In September 2015, Czech Team was created, currently bringing together more than 4,000 Czech volunteers, who went to help refugees on the Balkan route. Tens of thousands of people have contributed with financial or material help. This exhibition is held as a thank you to everyone who is not indifferent to the situation of refugees. The authors of the photographs are the volunteers themselves. The photos were from the autumn of 2015 to the summer of 2016.
The exhibition takes places in the foyer of the cinema Ponrepo from Friday 6 p.m. until Saturday 11.p.m.
Česká republika, 2018, 120 min
CASA a Antropofest
26.01.2018 15:00
165th Gellner Seminar
CASA (Czech Association for Social Anthropology) with the support of Antropofest arranges 165th Gellner Seminar. The guest of the seminar is Mr. Mauro Bucci, Italian filmmaker and visual anthropologist. The topic of the seminar is „Representing Migrations through Ethnographic Cinema”. The phenomenon of migration affecting Africa and Italy, as well as Europe more generally, over the last several years is a favorite object of representation among Western mass media. Mr. Bucci will analyze the ethnographic fieldwork with a camera he undertook to realize “Hotel Splendid”. The fieldwork was based both on author´s involvement in everyday life experiences of migrants, as well as a number of interventionist practices aimed at improving the asylum seekers’ conditions.
165th Gellner Seminar takes place on Friday 26th January from 3 p.m. in Café Kampus, Náprstkova 10, Praha 1
Oficial website of CASA: http://www.casaonline.cz/
P.I. Crawford hovoří o snímku Hotel Splendid: https://vimeo.com/249992367
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/199143607
Partners of AntropoFEST are
- Czech Association for Social Anthropology
- Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pardubice
- Ambassade van Belgie - Algemene Afvaardiging van de Vlaamse Regering in de tsjechische republiek
- Italian Culture Institute
- Swiss Embassy
- Estonian Embassy
- F.H. Prager
- The Czech Ethnological Journal
- Czech Sociological Review
- Urban people - Lidé města
- Radio 1
Thank you!
Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]