Česká republika, 2013, 6 min
Š. Kadlecová, L.Lipták, P.Bouška
25.01.2014 15:15
The Yellow House is an ethnographic micro-study exploring demographic changes in Žlutice, a town in former Sudetenland region, in 20th Century. The movie narrates a story of a house which facade is labeled by the David´s Star. Through symbols of the past and images of the present reveals individual history of the inhabitants of the house. The movie was produced during Summer School of Ethnographic filmmaking organized by Department of Anthropology at the University of West Bohemia.
Petr Bouška is PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. His main aim in reaserch is Czechoslovak cinematography. He works as radio host.
Šárka Kadlecová works for Language Center of Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and in the NGO sector. She creates educational tools to prevent prejudice, racism and hate violence.
Lubomír Lipták lectures in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of West Bohemia and as well in the Department of Anthropology at the same university.His work is focused on security discurs of the Slovak Republic, patrimonial stuctures of post-communist state and construction of colective identities.