Second Echo goes to Pardubice to Divadlo 29. You can watch movies Hip Hop, My Release ańd Noise that Brings Money at Tuesday 20th May, starts 7pm. We are looking forward to you!
Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.
Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.
During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.
We are looking forward to you!
First Echo of Antropofets goes to Opava to Club Art at 15th April at 5pm. You can watch Freetekno a Hip Hop, My Release.
Don´t forget that the 5th Antropofest will take place in the Bio Oko and start at Friday 24.1. on 6.30 p.m.
The spot for 5th Antropofest is made by Bohdan Heblík - You can watch it in world premiere here
We prepare czech subtitles for all foreign languages movies.
18:30 | Opening ceremony |
18:35 | Back to the Future |
19:25 | Discussion and Break |
19:50 | Hip Hop, my Release |
20:10 | Toku Fenua |
20:40 | Break |
20:55 | The High Cybercafé |
21:25 | Diskussion and Break |
21:50 | Together as One |
14:00 | Man Dove |
15:05 | Break |
15:15 | Žlutý dům |
15:25 | Hosté z kamene |
15:35 | Gricko |
15:50 | Freetekno subkultura |
16:20 | Diskussion and Break |
17:00 | White and Black Film |
17:25 | Discussion and Break |
17:45 | Behind the Wheel |
18:05 | Out into World with Cheese |
19:10 | Discussion and Break |
19:40 | Our Missionaries |
19:50 | Diskussion and Break |
20:10 | On the Common Ground |
20:35 | Diskussion and Break |
21:05 | Noise that brings Money |
21:45 | The end of the Festival |
Česká republika, 2013, 6 min
Š. Kadlecová, L.Lipták, P.Bouška
25.01.2014 15:15
The Yellow House is an ethnographic micro-study exploring demographic changes in Žlutice, a town in former Sudetenland region, in 20th Century. The movie narrates a story of a house which facade is labeled by the David´s Star. Through symbols of the past and images of the present reveals individual history of the inhabitants of the house. The movie was produced during Summer School of Ethnographic filmmaking organized by Department of Anthropology at the University of West Bohemia.
Petr Bouška is PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. His main aim in reaserch is Czechoslovak cinematography. He works as radio host.
Šárka Kadlecová works for Language Center of Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and in the NGO sector. She creates educational tools to prevent prejudice, racism and hate violence.
Lubomír Lipták lectures in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of West Bohemia and as well in the Department of Anthropology at the same university.His work is focused on security discurs of the Slovak Republic, patrimonial stuctures of post-communist state and construction of colective identities.
Švýcarsko, 2013, 66 min
Ramona Sonderegger
25.01.2014 18:05
The Kyrgyz Organisation CBT (Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association) made an advertisement in an alpine newspaper with the help of a Swiss Tourist. They were looking for a cheese maker to teach interested women in a mountain region village in Arslanbob about cheese making. Maike Oestreich, a cheese maker and farmer based in Switzerland decided to spend her summer in the Kyrgyz mountains for once rather than on an alp in Switzerland. She has never crossed the borders of Europe before.
The movie shows, how this specific knowledge is transferred and transformed in a completely different context and what kind of problems arise, when different actors with theirs different intentions are involved in a kind of voluntary development aid project.
The filmmaker was following the cheese maker from her working place in the alpine dairy in Sufers in Switzerland to the world’s largest walnut forest in Arslanbob to accompany and observe her ongoing project.
Ramona Helena Sonderegger is Primary teacher and has BA in Social Anthropology, Psychology and Political Sciences at the University of Zurich.
production, director, camera: Ramona Helena Sonderegger
Dialogues: English, Deutch, Uzbec
Subtitles: English, Czech
Norsko, 2013, 41 min
Konrad Pilot
25.01.2014 21:05
At the blacksmith market in Maroua, in the Far North region of Cameroon the hammers clang all day long. Here the local blacksmiths turn scrap iron into objects for everyday use. Car bodies become wheelbarrows, truck wheels are transformed into ploughs and smaller pieces of scrap iron end up as spoons. The film is a portrait of Abakar, a young creative blacksmith pursuing his dream to medernize his workshop and to established a blacksmith enterprise. Following Abakar at the work at his workshop, at home with his family, at the meetings and exhibitions movie presents a persistent struggle of an individual to fulfill his dreams of successful enterpreneurship, by bringing seemingly unusable pieces of iron back to life.
Konrad Pilot was born in Poland. He studied Social Anthropology with Philosophy and religion Studies as minors at the LMU in Munich, Germany and Visual Cultural Studies in Tromsø, Norway. Noise That Brings Money is his first film.
Dialogues: French, Fulfulde, subtitles: English, Czech
Production: Visuelle kulturstudier, University of Tromso, Norway
Director, camera: Konrad Pilot
Partners of AntropoFEST are
- Hasičská vzájemná pojišťovna
- F.H. Praher - Czech cider form apples
- A2 - cultural review
- Radio 1
- Go Out
Thank you!
Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]