Switzerland, 2008, 34 min
Christof Thurnherr
29.01.2010 18:45
Lal, a remote bazaar surrounded by the high mountains of the Western Hindu Kush in Central Afghanistan, struggles to find peace after more than 30 years of war. Everyday life in these harsch wintery surroundings don't seem to leave much space to deal with the new situation. Former Mujaheddin Commanders, religious leaders and newly elected state officials each have their respective views of this new system called 'democracy'. In this film these different actors tell us about their past, explain their respective views on the democratic changes and reveal their individual expectations for the future.
Language of dialogues: Farsi, English
Language of subtitles: English
Slovenia, 2008, 9 min
Martina Hudorovič
29.01.2010 22:50

Grandma talks about her life with granddauther Martina, while baking the bread.
Language of dialogues: Roma language and Serbian
Language of subtitles: English
Czech Republic, 2008, 35 min
Daniela Stavělová
30.01.2010 15:50
The documentary film is a part of a multimedia study which consists of visual and editorial parts. Apart from the film, the DVD offers thematically digested shots recorded in scope of the research and a photogallery. Visual as well as editorial part connects possibilities of verbal and visual language and is bound to serve as an interception of the complexity of the observed march and to the representation of the dance as a cultural context. The complexity should help to reveal and deliver the connotation of the traditional event in today´s local society. The documentary can be publicised separately as well and its informational value does not depend on the supporting text of the multimedia study.
Daneila Stavělová operates as a research worker at an Ethnological Institute AV ČR, V.V.I.. Her main field is ethnochoreography and anthropology of dance. In the scope of the specialisation she lectures at the department of dance at HAMU, Prague, where she organises workshops as well. She cooperates as a choreograph at designing of thematical scenical projects which deal with traditional dance and music culture. This year, Daniela Stavělová was confered an Award of Ministry of Culture for outstanding contribution in the field of folklore and for interconnecting the scientific, artisitc and pedagogical activities.
The project was executed in the scope of the research AVOZ 90580513 of the Ethnological Institute AV ČR, v.v.i. and subsidized by Ministry of Culture CR within the programme Traditional folklor culture.
Language of dialogues: Czech
Language of subtitles: English
Slovenská republika, 2003, 34 min
Miroslav Bartoš
30.01.2010 15:05

Concrete high-rise building area Petržalka - one of the biggest in Europe - has a lot of negative attributes. In general, it is perceived as a prototype of a low-quality acommodation created at the times of socialism. What is the reality like? How are the concrete homes seen by their inhabitants at the beginning of the third millenary? The film attempts to scatch the anthropo-social way of being at this concrete area.
Language of dialogues: Slovakian
Germany/India, 2009, 57 min
Helene Basu
30.01.2010 18:25

The Sufi shrine of Mira Datar in India is large pilgrimage centre specialising in healing possession madness/mental illness. Recently, it has also become a site of experimenting with new forms of community care in the mental health sector. The NGO „Altruist“ facilitates communication between the mental health department, shrine dignitaries, psychiatrists and patients suffering from diverse kinds of mental troubles who seek help from the saint. Under the heading of „Dava and Dua“ Altruists promotes psychiatric services at the shrine parallel to the cures of possession illnesses offered by ritual specialists. The film documents interactions between different actors at the shrine (patients-psychiatrists, psychiatrists-ritual specialists, patients-ritual specialists), listens to the stories of afflicted persons and presents diverse views on the presumed causes of mental illness as well on the benefit or non-benefit of medicine and/or ritual practices as perceived by patients and their relatives.
Language of dialogues: Hindi and Gujarati
Language of subtitles: English
Spain, 2008, 18 min
Konstantina Bousmpoura
29.01.2010 22:00
In October 2007, a group of artists of different nationalities set up atablao flamenco in front of Seville’s Cathedral. They claimed this public space as a place to exhibit and express their art. The audience’s applause transformed these artists into the flamenco group “Son de Afuera” (Not from here). This short documentary shows what it means to feel and create flamenco from “outside” in the context of Andalusian society.
Awards: First prize of Seville City XII Contest "Fronteras de Papel", March 2009; Best documentary, International Short Film Fest "Espartinas de Cine" of Aljarafe, Spain, October 2009
Language of dialogues: Español
Language of subtitles: English
Estonia/Norway/USA, 2008, 60 min
Liivo Niglas, Diane Perlov, Frode Storaas
30.01.2010 14:05
The Klamath River of Oregon and California is one of the most important salmon runs in the United States. While diminished over the past 100 years, it still supports an abudance of life and diverse economies struggling over its future course. This is a film about the Indian tribes of the river ecosystem – what the Klamath means to them and how they draw on traditional and modern resources to restore its strenght, beauty and balance. The film focuses on the Klamath River and the Indian tribes of the lower basin – the Yurok, Hoopa and Karuk. Yet this story has implications for any number of river ecosystems and indigenous peoples around the world. Through the Indian tribes of the Lower Klamath, the film reminds us how the health of a people and the health of its lands are integrally linked.
Awards: Diploma, Matsalu International nature Film Festival, Estonsko 2009; Finalist, Kyoto University Museum Academic Film Competition, Japonsko 2009
Language of dialogues: English
Česká republika, 2009, 37 min
Pavel Borecký
30.01.2010 17:00
Documentary mosaic about Czech fellow-countrymen living in a small Serbien village. 90 years ago, family Frič desired a change. They left the rough life at mountainous Banat - the Southern promontory of Rumenien Karpats - and moved to more fertile lowlands stretching along impressive Danube. Soon the others followed.
Nowadays, melody after melody is wafting from Írovič's orchard. Their son is practicing playing the harmonica. Next competition is coming soon. What does his talent mean for the Czech minority?
Gaya Czechs are the last compact social group which settled down at Serbien Banat. Eventhough they do not need to drag themselves way up the hills to reach their fields, they remind to be a minority in comparison with pure Czech Gernik.
How has this change in the course of decades influenced upcoming generations?
Language of dialogues: Czech
Portugal, 2009, 59 min
António Joao Saraiva
30.01.2010 20:45
Fajãs, living between the seaside and the cliffs...
between the sharing and the silence...
between the music and the faith...
People taking their time..
This documentary intends to participate in the understanding of the life of people who were emigrated and returned and others who have just arrived.
Award: Grande Prémio de Festival Cinema Antropológico, Lisboa 2009
Language of dialogues: Portuguese
Language of subtitles: English
Czech Republic, 2008, 32 min
Štěpánka Plachá, Michaela Píšová
30.01.2010 16:25
Thanks this movie you can entry into the daily lives of Goluboies inhabitans.The village of Goluboie is original village in Moldova where Czechs live. They setteled this part of southern Moldova in the second half of 19th century. During the summer of 2006 the village had 130 inhabittans of Czech nationality.Movie shoes their daily routine and life style which is mainly based on agriculture (bee-keeping, breeding of domestic animals etc.). On the other hand you can meet with 150 years old original Czech brass band, deeply connected with this village.One of the topics is also question of Czech identity. Which factors have impact of the identity? Is it Czech language or origin of their ancestors?
Language of dialogues: Czech
Estonia/Norway, 2009, 57 min
Liivo Niglas, Frode Storaas
29.01.2010 19:55
„Ritual reversals“ or „ritual of rebellion“ are concepts used for mock rituals performend in Southern and Eastern Africa. During fertility rituals, like rain making ceremonies, women in their songs and dances demonstrate obscene behaviour while they behave like men. These are secret performance open strictly for eldery men and women. Still, we were invited to record the rain making ceremony in the land of Chief Chassuka, Manika Province in Mozambique in order to document the ritual for the younger generations. These rituals are a fading tradition probably due to the special character of the songs and dances.
Language of dialogues: Shona language, English
Language of subtitles: English
Czech Republic, 2009, 23 min
Michal Pavlásek
30.01.2010 17:40
In the middle of the 20th century a numerous group of Moravian reformed evangelicals from the surroundings of Kloubouky u Brna came to the area of Serbien Banat in Vojvodina. One-and-half-century-lasting existence of the reformed charge brought to its members much suffering borne by a process of big history stretching up to the presence. At the beginning of the 21st century the community of Czech speaking reformed evangelicals is dwelling at the verge of determination as the source of belief has been abandoned by the younger generation due to migration and impacts of modern era. The documentary focuses on historical turning points and fates of several charge members. In the foreground, inner latent godlines of the remaining descendants of the Moravian transmigrants appears which represents collective memory and symbolical universum – sources of preserved ethnicity. Faith, fate, presence as experienced past, experienced past as a garvestone.
Language of dialogues: Czech
Argentina/Switzerland, 2008, 50 min
Nadine Luchinger
30.01.2010 19:45
Country Clubs or ‘Countries’ are gated communities on the outskirts of Argentina’s cities. Under the watchful eye of the private security firms hired to protect them, the clubs act as an oasis of calm for the Argentine rich. In such an environment people in the ‘Countries’ enjoy an apparently idyllic, safe existence surrounded by tennis courts, football fields, golf courses, polo pitches, shopping facilities and sometimes even private schools. Yet this film shows the dilemma and the inner-struggle of those who were born into a privileged position in a state that fails to provide social amenities, justice or peace for the majority of its people.
Language of dialogues: Spanish
Language of subtitles: English
Slovenia, 2009, 7 min
Martina Hudorovič
29.01.2010 22:40

Roma women speak about their life in Novi Sad in Serbia. They talk about their conditions of life. There are also some interviews with social worker.
Language of dialogues: Roma language and Serbian
Language of subtitles: English
Česká republika, 2011, 50 min
Petra Ludvíková
27.01.2012 21:15
Desmond Love is a mature man and feels and behaves so. He likes to smoke his pipe and looks after his ducks. Men usually like talking about cars and Dessy´s favourite subject are his two shopping-trolleys. He parks them in front of his house nad likes to enhance them with various details. Desmond is one of the residents at Camphill Clanabogan, that means a person with mental handicap. In the scope of a therapy, he learns how to write on a computer. He writes his own story. This documentary amended with short cartoons let us glimp into Dessys´s memories – word after word, exactly as he remembered them. At the same time, we have got a chance to see Dessys´s home and everyday-life of Camphill community with its permanent inhabitants: mentally disabled people, young volunteers and people, who control and administrate the home.
Petra works as a Project manager of Palace Akropolis and also as a moderator of Radio 1. She organises culture events, foreign concerts, music workshops etc. In the past, she worked as e.g. editress of genre programmes on TV Óčko and in the production of annual film awards Český lev organised by a production company VAC. Love Story is her film debut which she made in cooperation with experienced cameramen Martin Čech, mister of sound Petr Stýbl and an editor Lucie Haladova. It Camphill Clanabogan, where the film takes place, at first she spent 3 months as a volunteer.
Director and production: Petra Ludvíková
Language of dialogies: English
Language of subtitles: Czech
Germany, 2009, 24 min
Claudia Goldberg
29.01.2010 21:15
In Berlin, young self-employed workers live the alternative to a nine-to-five job – low rents and space for creative ideas are still available. A sewing café owner, a freelance journalist and two contemporary dancers give insights in theirs live styles and tell about their independent work. The protagonists are not only part of berlin´s creative class buut they also represent a part of well-educatted generation, who struggles between job insecurity and th wish of self-realization.
Language of dialogues: Deutsch
Language of subtitles: English
The United Kingdom, 2006, 16 min
Elhum Shakerifar
29.01.2010 19:25
‘Roya and Omid’ is an exploration of transsexuality in Iran. Bardia, a young female-to-male transsexual reflects on his childhood spent in the wrong body, when he was known as Roya (‘dream’ in Persian), but wished to be Omid (‘hope’ in Persian). His narrative is crossed the insightful comments of several male-to-female transsexuals in Iran – Donya, Handry, Leila and Shirin, who have to endure the daily scorn of society in their new roles as women.
Language of dialogues: Persian, English
Language of subtitles: English
Slovakia/Slovenia/Denmark, 2008, 19 min
Sašo Niskač
29.01.2010 22:20
Salaam Aleykum Copenhagen is a short documentary about Haluk, Allan and Iman – two young boys and a girl with Turkish, Kurdish, Lebanese and Danish backgrounds living in Copenhagen. How do they confront their lives with the atmosphere of Copenhagen, their home? The film is a portrait of their attitudes towards the questions of immigration and integration, their daily problems and challenges, family values, their view on Danish society and Copenhagen itself. While presenting their worlds they are opening the doors towards understanding of Copenhagen itself. They are part of Copenhagen and Copenhagen is part of them.
“...It is hard and then people say: you are well integrated, and I think: what is “well integrated”? Is it when Danes feel I am well integrated or the immigrants feel I am well integrated? Or is it when I myself feel that now I can tackle the two cultures?”...”I have learned to drink my girlfriend’s homeopathic drops, medicine, and she drinks my Kurdish tea each day, and that is for example integration. But I am tired of the word ‘integration’.”
Awards: Special Jury Mention, Platforma Video8 Fil Festival, November 2008, Athens, Greece; selected for The Best of Kino OTOK Film Festival - Video na Plazi, october 2009, Izola, Slovenia
Language of dialogues: Danish
Language of subtitles: English
Pakistan, 2009, 34 min
Mashood Ahmed Sheikh
29.01.2010 18:10
Side effects: Portrait of a young artist in Lahore
Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan with a population of more than 10 million. The city is famous for exquisite food, its rich culture, an education capital and the core of Pakistan's media and Arts scene. The film takes us deep into the life of a struggling young lower-middle class, Art student in Lahore.
Language of dialogues: Urdu, Panjabi, English
Language of subtitles: English
Germany, 2006, 15 min
Martin Gruber
30.01.2010 22:05
In the summer of 2001 the IWF in Göttingen hosted the conference »Origins of Visual Anthropology – Putting the Past Together«. Important representatives of the field came together to discuss the history of the subdiscipline. Three students were equally interested in their visions about »The Future of Visual Anthropology«. They conducted brief interviews concerning this question with filmmakers and scholars such as Jean Rouch, Ian Dunlop, Paul Henley, Karl Heider, Howard Morphy, Peter Crawford, Harald Prins and Jay Ruby.
»The Future of Visual Anthrolopogy« presents the common themes that were touched upon during these conversations by juxtaposing different perspectives. The film is a reflection on how people talk and think about the future, present and past of Visual Antrhropology in 2001.
Language of dialogues: English, French
Language of subtitles: English