
Bio Oko

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Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


09 05

We would like to invite you to Echoes of Antropofest in Brno. It starts at Monday 11th May from 5pm in Cafe Falk, Gorkeho street.  You can watch Common Roads, Ulice spojuje a Lakros - after this movie will be discusion with authors. 

29 04

Echoes of Antropofest in Pardubice are today. It starts at 7pm in Klub 29. You can watch Ulice spojuje (discussion with director will be follow after movie), Orchard Keepers and Honey.

31 01

We apologize, but the screening of Bertsolari movie is cancelled.

22 01

Workshops "Lakros - Ways of seeing" a "Common Roads - reaserch and production context"and projection of movie Bertsolari will be in Café Jedna in National Gallery, Dukelských hrdinnů 530/47, Praha 7.

16 01

We are pleasured that we can welcome to Antropofest 2015 these guests: Livia Šavelková and Milan Durňak (Lacrosse), Lana Askari (Haraka Baraka), Tommi Mendel (Common Roads), Adélu Košařová (Odpad na talíři), Anna Dvořáková (Ulice spojuje), MIchal Pavlásek (Druhé Vojvodovo), Frode Storaas (The Go-Between), Christine M. Janney (Living Quechua) and Libor Dušek - author of the exhibition.



20:00 Opening Ceremony


20:05 Lakros - to je způsob života


18:00 Výstava "Trojí tvář Váchánu"
19:00 Growing Soul - My daughter´s Ritual Journey
19:30 The Orchard Keepers
20:00 Haraka Baraka
20:30 Discussion and Break
21:00 Common Roads - Pilgrimage and Backpacking in the 21st Century
22:30 Discussion


14:00 Lakros – způsoby pohledu, Café Jedna
15:00 Common Roads - reaserch and production context, Café Jedna
17:15 Odpad na talíři
17:30 Ulice spojuje
17:35 Discussion and Break
17:50 What Life is like here
18:20 Druhé Vojvodovo: myslet obrazem
18:50 Discussion and Break
19:15 Afluentes
19:40 Living Quechua
20:00 Discussion and Break
20:30 The Go-Between - Afar of Ethiopia
21:05 Break
21:25 The Puppet´s Cemetery
21:40 Honey
22:20 Closing ceremony


14:00 Bertsolari



Norsko, 2014, 37 min
F. Storaas, R. Scott, G. Kassa
31.01.2015 20:30

A woman is reported killed - another case for Hussein.The Islamic pastoral Afars inhabit the north eastern rangelands of Ethiopia. Some have settled in towns and trade centres where also the Ethiopian government is present with the police and other government officials. Many Afars have a foot in both sectors, having a home in town while maintaining close contact with their nomadic relatives. Hussein Hayie has a government position as Peace and Security officer. His work is to judge whether an incident should be handled as a criminal case for the police or be left as a case to be solved the traditional way by the elders of the clans. The Afar political organization is based on both territory and kinship. The political institutions are geared towards social control and the resolution of conflicts. The tribal leaders are often called upon to intervene before a small matter escalates to homicide and if homicide occurs, to work out agreements of compensation in order to avoid blood-feuds. The film follows Hussein Hayie in town and when he visits his families in the nomadic camps. As a government employee he is continuously on duty and in the film we see how he is called to act.

Directors: Frode Storaas, Rolf Scott, Getachew Kassa
Production: Universiy Museum of Bergen, Norway

Language of dialogues: Afar, Amharic
Language of subtitles: English, Czech

Frode Storaas, professor, University Museum of Bergen, Norway
Rolf Scott, PhD-candidate, University of Bergen, Norway
Getachew Kassa, Associate professor, Addis Ababa University

Festivals (selection):
GIEFF in Gottingen, Germany
EASA in Tallllin, Estonia
NAFA in Island
AAA in Washington DC, USA
Ethnographic Cinema, Moscow


Česká republika, 2014, 63 min
L.Šavelková, T.Petráň, M.Durňak
29.01.2015 20:05

The film is about the lacrosse, and its importance for the Haudenosaunee people (represented by the Iroquois Nationals), and for the Czech people (represented by the lacrosse organisations, scouts, and woodcrafters). In 2011, the World Indoor Lacrosse Championship was held in Prague, the Czech Republic. It was the first time when the Iroquois National lacrosse men’s team visited the Czech Republic, using their Haudenosaunee passports.
However, the film is not focused only on reporting of the Championship agenda. Furthermore, it highlights the essential spiritual, political and sport aspects of the lacrosse for the Haudenosaunne and Czech communities. It also explains the formation of this originally Native American game in the Central Europe, including the hint of political issues in the former communist Czechoslovakia.

Directors: L.Šavelková, T. Petráň, M. Durňak
Production Cinepoint
Camera: T.Petráň, M.Durňak, V. Barák, P.Řezáč, P. Záruba
Script: L.Šavelková
Edit: T.Petráň, M.Durňak

Language of dialogues: Czech, English
Langue of subtitles: Czech, English

Lívia Šavelková – graduated from Charles University in Prague in ethnology and journalism at the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences. She is fond of Lacrosse and since 2011 she and her colleagues have been revealing various forms and meanings of the lacrosse in different parts of the world. She works at the Faculty of Arts, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Tomáš Petráň – a filmmaker, teacher and also a farmer. He graduated from and also teaches at The Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. He has produced a lot of documentary films, articles and also a book related to visual anthropology. He developed visual anthropology at the Department of Social Sciences at University of Pardubice between 2009 and 2013.
Milan Durňak – “an ethnologist with a camera in his hands”. He graduated from Charles University in Prague in ethnology at the Faculty of Arts. His thesis was based on film trilogy TUMENGE/screened at Antropofest and Ethnofilm Čadca 2012/. He is a PhD candidate and continues in experimenting with visual anthropology.


Egypt, 2014, 28 min
B. Dunne
30.01.2015 19:30

The Orchard keepers takes us on a journey into the rugged the Sinai desert. Behind intricate stonewalls we meet Dr. Ahmad, the last surviving herbalist trained in the ancient ways of desert healing. But it is Amariya – the resilient and exuberant naturalist whose scars and charms dominate the tale. Her relationship to the land has transformed her life in unlikely ways. The Orchard keepers pays homage to her hypnotic freedom.
For filmmaker Bryony Dunne, what began as a short photography trip to focus on the few remaining orchards, evolved into a personal breakthrough. After living for a year with the Gabaliya tribe, she gained unique insight into the stratified tribal structures and layers of myth that enshroud the mountain region.

Director, Script, Camera: Bryony Dunne
Production: Les Film du Renard
Edit: Julien Schmid, Tamer Ashry

Language of dialogues: English, Arabic
Language of subtitles: English, Czech

Bryony Dunne is an Irish artist based in Cairo whose work engages Anthropology, Sociology, Ecology and Visual Arts. Her various projects have sought to explore human’s relationship with the landscape, and the evolution of cultivation and settlements. Working through installations, film and photography, she explores concepts of intangible cultural heritage, myths and traditional practices. She holds a position teaching still image at the German University in Cairo.

Festivals (selection):
Ismallia International Film Festival, Egypt
Saratov International Film Festival, Russia
Banff Mountain International Film Festival, Alberta, Canada
Goldsmiths University, Dep. of Visual Anthropology, London, UK
German University, Cairo, Egypt
Bilbao Mountain Film Festival, Spain


Partners of AntropoFEST are

Thank you!


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]