Nizozemí, Irák, Velká Británie, 2014, 27 min
L. Askari
30.01.2015 20:00
After having lived in the Netherlands for over 20 years, my parents, Gulzar and Shwan, decided to return to Kurdistan. Escaping the Iraqi regime as refugees in the early 90s, Kurdistan has recently developed into a regional safe-haven. However, with current tensions around ISIS, the social and political landscape is changing drastically. Haraka Baraka tells the story of my parents’ return to their homeland.
Director, Camera, Production, Edit, Script: Lana Askari
Language of dialogues: Kurdish, Dutch, English
Language of subtitles: English, Czech
Lana Askari holds a BA in Liberal Arts & Sciences from University College Utrecht, and an MPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Cambridge. Her research interests include museum- and visual anthropology, trauma and memory, post-conflict regions, Kurdish diaspora and the anthropology of death. Trained as a documentary filmmaker through the MA programme at the Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology, she recently commenced her PhD at the University of Manchester on Kurdish returnees in Iraqi Kurdistan.