We are pleasured that we can screen together with Festival of the Freedom these movies: Be Jam Be, Grab nad run and Across Gender. We screen in several high schools across whole Czech Republic.
Freedom for ever!!
Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.
Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.
During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.
We are looking forward to you!
Call for films for Antropofest 2020 is not open. Thank you for understanding.
We would like to invite you to 3rd Anthropological Evening at Ponrepo cinema. It will take place on 16 MAY from 6.PM. You can watch Putování po Nepálu (1969) from National Film Archive and DUST (2016) from Antropofest archive. Our guest is Zdenek Stipl from Department of South and Central Asia, Charles University.
We would like to invite you to the second ECHOS OF ANTROPOFEST to Pardubice. The Echoes will take place 13MAY from 3 p.m. We will screen Be Jam Be, Říkejte mi strýcu, Remake of a Summer, Revenir, Shame and Perversity, and The Sisterhood: Visits of my friends.
We would like to invite you to first "Echos of Antropofest". It takes place 1APR from 6pm in Fotogaléria Trafačka in Nitra, Slovakia. We will screen Revenir movie.
24.01.2019 : Galerie Lucerna
17:45 | Welcome in Gallery Lucerna |
18:00 | Opening Ceremony of 10th edition |
18:15 | Remake of a Summer |
19:50 | Gellnerovský seminář |
25.01.2019 : Kino NFA Ponrepo
17:42 | Open of Exhibition - 10 years of Antropofest |
18:00 | Ready-made básně z emailové konverzace s A-teamem – zahájení 10. ročníku Antropofestu |
18:30 | Archipelago |
19:30 | Guest and break |
20:00 | BE' JAM BE the Never Ending Song |
21:35 | Guests and break |
22:05 | The Sisterhood: Visits with my Friends |
26.01.2019 : Kino NFA Ponrepo
14:00 | Wives |
15:30 | Break |
15:45 | Hanba a zvrácenost |
15:55 | Podzemnící |
16:05 | Guests and break |
16:35 | Říkejte mi strýcu |
17:10 | Guests and break |
17:40 | Youtubeři mezi námi |
18:00 | Guest and break |
18:30 | In the Devil's Garden |
18:55 | Guest and break |
19:25 | REVENIR (To Return) |
20:45 | Break |
21:00 | Marquis de Wavrin, from the Manor to the Jungle |
Česká republika, 2018, 35 min
Vít Smrčka
26.01.2019 16:35
The film depicts the vanishing elements of traditional folk culture in Wallachia. A record of wood transportation on a sledge in the Beskydy mountains is a very valuable part of the film. The film also tells the story of a 96-year-old man who represents the vanishing "old" Wallachia while living in the current technological era.
Vít Smrčka, the film’s director, graduated in journalism and ethnography. He is the author of a film on hauling wood on sledge in the Krkonoše mountains and also published a book on the history of ethnography. The co-author and cinematographer of the film Aleš Smrčka is also an ethnographer.
Director: Vít Smrčka
Camera: Aleš Smrčka
Production, script: Vít and Aleš Smrčka
Edit: Miloslav Liška
Language of dialogues: Czech
Language of subtitles: none
Francie, Švýcarsko, Malajsie, 2018, 85 min
Caroline Parietti, Cyprien Ponson
25.01.2019 20:00
In Sarawak (Borneo), "the ones who live upstream" are the first affected by deforestation. The Penan, (ex) nomadic hunters, are caught in the eye of that storm : how to go on living when one's entire world is being taken apart, when the landscape, which brought meaning to existence, literally disappears and with it language, customs and the spirits? The film, carried by the song of those who refuse to give in, draws the lines of resistance of each one to that deadly fight. It tells of the intimate interweaving of a sweet and secret way of life with the fight which rages in the shadow of the big trees.
Caroline Parietti and Cyprien Ponson met during a master's degree in documentary writing (CREADOC/France), after personal journeys in anthropology and community social work. Their work explores issues of memory, violence and resistance in the margins. Cyprien earned a bachelor's degree in anthropology at Lyon 2, and Caroline a first year of ethnology in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) before her studies of community social work during which she started to use camera as an emancipation tool.
Direction, camera, script: Caroline Parietti, Cyprien Ponson
Production: Les Obliques
Edit: Alex Lumbreras
Language of dialogues: Penan language
Language of subtitles: English, Czech
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/282110965
Česká republika, 2018, 20 min
Ester Kolářová
26.01.2019 17:40
A short ethnographic film in which six Czech youtubers talk about the YouTube phenomenon. They are reflecting on the influence of YouTube on the society, on their relationship with fans, and why YouTube is so popular. At the same time, the film tries to show the worlds of these six Czech YouTubers.
Ester Kolářová graduated in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Pardubice. Currently, she is a PhD student at the Department of Ethnology in Prague. At the same time, she is studying Documentary Film at FAMU, Prague.
Director, production, camera, script, edit: Ester Kolářová
Langueage of dialogues: Czech
Languegae of subtitles: none
Partners of AntropoFEST are
- Ponrepo Cinema
- Czech Association for Social Anthropology
- Department of Anthropology, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pardubice
- Swiss Embassy in Czech Republic
- F.H. Prager
- Radio 1
- Urban people
- Czech Sociological Review
- The Czech Ethnological Journal
Thank you!
Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]