
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology


Antropofest is an international festival of movies with social anthropological themes.

Festival is held by eponymous NGO, formed by social anthropology graduates. The goal of the festival is to introduce the general audience to the movies that could also be one of the important study instruments of our domain. These specific documents will allow us to learn about the life of various human communities, social groups or individuals around the world.

During the festival we will hold debates on current projections and there will be also other accompanying programme.

We are looking forward to you!


23 02

Projections, debate, and exhibition will take place in Divadlo 29 in Pardubice.

06 12

Vážení a milí fanoušci antropologického filmu, 
spolek Antropofest společně s Katedrou sociální a kulturní antropologie Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Pardubice věnuje festivalový ročník 2020 festivalové retrospektivě, která proběhne 3. a 4. března 2020. Nabídneme vám přehlídku nejzajímavějších titulů z minulých ročníků a také nejnovější tvorbu studentů vizuální antropologie v České republice. Součástí festivalu bude i diskuzní fórum k vývoji a současnému stavu oboru v České republice a na Slovensku.

Letošní CALL FOR FILMS se výjimečně vztahuje pouze na studentské snímky, které vznikly na českých katedrách vyučujících antropologii.


Své filmy můžete přihlašovat pouze přes email [email protected] (přihlašování přes web je zablokováno).

Těšíme se na vaše filmy, Antropofest tým



10:00 Legal Alien
11:30 Shooting Freetown
12:00 Break
13:00 We Must be Dreaming
14:00 Hip Hop, My Release
14:30 Tmel
14:50 Peregrino
15:00 Touha žít
15:30 Break
16:00 Zahájení výstavy Michala Pavláska Nikde může být ostrov
16:30 Masa
17:30 In the Devil's Garden
18:30 Nekopejte do nás, ještě nejsme mrtví
19:30 Break
20:00 Lakros - to je způsob života


10:00 Turistou ve vlastním domě
10:40 Zatopené
12:00 Break
13:00 Reflexe stavu vizuální antropologie v ČR a SR
15:00 Remake of a Summer
16:45 Break
17:00 Kultura daru
17:45 Unity: Dress-scape of Accra
18:30 Break
19:00 The Land of Love
20:30 Archipelago



Ghana, Nizozemí, 2016, 36 min
Mara Lin Visser
04.03.2020 17:45

Antropofest 2018Unity: Dress-scapes of Accra is an ethnographic film about African fashion in the capital of Ghana. The comeback of African print seems to be emerging in the fashion system of Accra. While following Allan, a fashion designer and his wife Cynthia, this mosaic film shows the great diversity of tailor-made fashion and hybrid styles; the ways the African wear is used and the expression of culture by wearing the African prints. The film highlights beautiful details by focusing on a few participants who show the mixture of different materials, cuts and styles in a creative and free atmosphere. In this way the film is not only observational, it gives people space to tell their story and show they are proud of the African wear. 

Mara Lin Visser is a visual anthropologist and filmmaker based in Amsterdam. She discovered filmmaking during the production of documentary on material culture in Volendam for her MA Visual Anthropology. The medium of film gives her the freedom to express herself, her thoughts about certain topics and academic observations in a natural way. For her film is the perfect way to explore the broad subject of material culture. With this in mind she decided to do her fieldwork in Ghana, which resulted in the film 'Unity: Dress-scapes of Accra'. She is interested in queer rights, participation society, material culture, fashion, geopolitics and art. 

Director, Camera, production, Edit, Script: Mara Lin Visser

Language of Dialogues: English, languages Ga and Twi
Language of Subtitles: Czech, English

Launching of the movie (selection):
RAI Film festival in Bristol, Great Britain; Ethnografilm, Paris, France; Ethnocineca Vienna, Austria;  Kratovo Ethnographic film Festival in Macedonia; Society for Visual Anthropology Film and Media Festival (SVAFMF); Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival



Česká republika, 2009, 38 min
Jaroslava Panáková
04.03.2020 10:00

In the far, far North, where the day begins and the oceans meet, a small hamlet New Chaplino is situated. The goverment decided to turn the village into a tourist resort. It is winter, 30 degrees Celsius below zero. The tourists are not coming. There are only few memories of them and the snow has already covered their footprints. The village people live in the cardoard houses. They are waiting for the tourists and dancing. It is only Vika, their country fellow, who is coming to visit her native village after she has spent few years in the city. Thus all villagers keep waiting for the tourists and dancing...

Director: Jaroslava Panáková

The Director Jaroslava Panáková was born in Martin, Slovakia. She graduated in social anthropology at St.Peterburg State University, Russia and in documentary cinema at FAMU, Prague, Czech republic. She is currently working at the research institute in Halle/Saale, Germany.

Production: Pavla Kubečková Company, FAMU
Camera: Georgij Bagdasarov
Edit: Libor Alexa
Award: Tococu Lisabon 2010
Language of dialoques: Rusiain, Chukchi
Language of subtitles: Czech, English


Česká republika, 2020, 120 min
Katedra sociální a kulturní antropologie FF UPa
04.03.2020 13:00

Reflexe stavu vizuální antropologie v ČR a SR Discussion about visual anthropology in Czech and Slovak republic. Guests are Zuzana Beňušková, Tomáš Hirt, Tomáš Petráň, Michal Pavlásek, Pavel Borecký a Milan Durňak and Lívia Šavelková.


Don't hesitate and ask us or just send your movie (with apllication form) on email: [email protected]