Česká republika, 2018, 20 min
Antropofest a spolek "Pomáháme lidem na útěku"
26.01.2018 18:00
Exhibition – Helping people on the run
In August 2015, Czech media were flooded with news on refugees. Photos were taken at the Hungarian railway station Keleti full of tents, people and children huddling together on the ground or pictures of Serbian highways with crowds of people going on foot touched almost everyone. In September 2015, Czech Team was created, currently bringing together more than 4,000 Czech volunteers, who went to help refugees on the Balkan route. Tens of thousands of people have contributed with financial or material help. This exhibition is held as a thank you to everyone who is not indifferent to the situation of refugees. The authors of the photographs are the volunteers themselves. The photos were from the autumn of 2015 to the summer of 2016.
The exhibition takes places in the foyer of the cinema Ponrepo from Friday 6 p.m. until Saturday 11.p.m.