
Bio Ponrepo

Official web of Bio Ponrepo

Lucerna Gallery

Offical web of Lucerna Gallery


Online application form

Antropofest 2019
25.1. – 26.1. 2019

Fill in online application form and upload some photos from your movie. You can send your movie via some cloud (Vimeo, WeTransfer, MyAirBridge etc.). Thank you!

By entering your film you agree to the following conditions:

  • Relevance to the given anthropological themes will be taken into account when choosing the film. Attention will be paid to the content and artistic quality of the film.
  • Films of any length will be accepted.
  • We prefer movies produced recently.
  • By entering his/her film, the owner of the rights gives consent to the film being projected at Antropofest events and archived for the purposes of Antropofest z.s.
  • There is no entering fee and no financial reward to applicant, director or producer of the movie.
  • Sent DVDs are not returned.
  • Photographs and information from the application form will be used for the purposes of the festival (or other event of Antropofest), included in the festival programme/catalogue and posted on the website and social medias of Antropofest. All information will be processing only by members of Antropofest, z.s. and will not be offered to anybody else. More details about protection of personal data are available at our website. Your questions will be respond via our email.
  • The deadline for applications is October 17th 2018. Films which arrive after this date will not be included in the projection of the upcoming year of the festival.
  • Selected movie will be accompanied by Czech subtitles (if original language is not Czech or Slovak). English subtitles (not only burned in the image) are required - we need it for translation to Czech. We accept only subtitles with exact timing in srt format (created by Subtitle Workshop or other software).
  • Applicants will be informed about their film being incorporated into the festival programme via e-mail and not later than 20 days before the beginning of the festival.
  • Organizers may change place and dates of the festival (at the latest 14 days before start).
  • Expenses connected to transporting of film to the address Antropofest Slovinská 994/25, Praha 10, 101 00, Czech Republic or via some cloud will be covered by the applicant.